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Safety Education Resources

Road Safety from ICBC

ICBC Kids’ Road Safety Resources: Offers educational materials about safe walking, cycling, and riding in vehicles.

BC FireSmart

Resources to help teach children about wildfire safety.  FireSmart principles and practices place primary emphasis on cooperation – both within and between communities – as the cornerstone of wildfire mitigation and resiliency.

Get to Know Fire

Get to Know Fire is a comprehensive home fire safety and burn prevention education program. It is a modernized, updated version of the previous program Getting to Know Fire, which served as a reliable resource for over 20 years.

Power Smart 

Power Smart for Schools is an online resource hub of energy-focused activities and lessons for teachers looking to inspire their students in new ways. Under each topic, you’ll find classroom-ready activities that are easy to prepare and simple to teach.

Brain Waves

Brain and spinal cord injury prevention program. Key highlights of the program include proper helmet fitting and stresses to children the importance of protecting themselves and their brains from preventable injuries.

BC Professional Fire Fighters’ Burn Fund

The Burn Fund is proud to partner with the Office of the Fire Commissioner, First Nations’ Emergency Services Society of BC, Fire Prevention Officers’ Association of BC, and others on a poster and video contest with schools across BC from grades K – 12. Rotating themes include home escape planning and seasonal fire safety.

Ambulance Paramedics of BC 

BC Paramedics and Dispatchers are committed to promoting public safety. They've developed some posters and public safety reminders, free for use at your home, school, community centre or wherever!


Cyberbullying is a type of bullying and involves the use of technology to intimidate, hurt or humiliate someone. Cyberbullying can follow a person around 24/7 through social media, texts, emails, websites and other digital channels.

Penticton Safety Village School 2024

Safety Resources

Welcome to your one-stop shop for kids' safety education resources! We know keeping track of all the important safety tips can feel like a full-time job, so we’ve done the heavy lifting for you. Whether it’s cycling, road safety, fire, wildfire, or even online safety, we’ve gathered everything in one place. Take a breath, relax, and dive into these easy-to-follow resources—because we’ve got you covered!

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